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Sunday 27 January 2013

Page Request - Queen Sophie-Anne

So I received an email from Serena Kilos asking me to make a page for Queen Sophie-Anne from True Blood, and well, here it is.

Sanctuary Spell

This spell is from Angel. Lorne gets it from the Furies to stop violence where he dwells. I've added in the Lavender and Rosemary herbs and the candles to the ritual itself. The spell was tweaked a little bit too.


So, original page again. Both the images were tweaked in photoshop to give them the 'oilpaint' feature. information about Drusilla was taken from the Buffy wiki, most of it was re-arranged by me to make more sense.
I LOVE Drusilla,i think she's incredibly beautiful. Juliet Landau portrayed her really well to the point of her being in my top 5 Buffy characters, behind Faith.

The Sea Queen

again, an original page, completely made up. The idea behind this page was to have a creature like the Sea witch from Disney's The Little Mermaid (LOL). But instead, she looks more beautiful than Evil, so whatever. Again, image taken from deviant art, can't remember which one. Her page should be next the Sea King's page.

The Sea King

This is an original page obviously as the Sea King wasn't featured in Charmed. i thought it would be a good idea to add a page about him. He's made up obviously. Image was taken from deviant art, can't remember which artist. his page should be added beside the Sea Queen.